Role of CRCICA

CRCICA’s Role in Drafting and Translating the Egyptian Arbitration Law, and Some Arab Countries’ Adoption of the Same Egyptian based Arbitration Laws​
CRCICA’s Role in Enhancing a Pro arbitration Environment in Egypt and the Afro-Asian Region through Bringing the Views of Arbitration and the Judiciary Closer
The Role of State Courts in International Arbitration (Sharm El Sheikh Conferences)

CRCICA has maintained a tradition of hosting the sole biennial conference on “the Role of State Courts in International Arbitration” at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt ever since launching its first event back in 2005, which continues to date.

Society of Arab and African Arbitrators

In furtherance of its mission to promote arbitration culture in the region, CRCICA has founded or lent its support to a number of initiatives and organizations. An earlier example of the Centre’s interest in increasing the regional impact of arbitration was the establishment of the Society of Arab and African Arbitrators in Egypt in 1991.

Arab Union of International Arbitration (AUIA)

Following which, in 1997, the Arab Union of International Arbitration (AUIA) was established under the auspices of CRCICA and at its offices. To this day, and with the Centre’s continued support, the AUIA plays a significant and unique role in fostering arbitration practice within the Arab region, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and expertise between Arab practitioners, namely through the publication the Journal of Arab Arbitration. In circulation since 1999, this Journal is a specialized annual periodical containing arbitral awards, courts rulings and scholarly writings in Arabic and English, covering the bulk of arbitration practice in the region.

Egypt Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)

Again in 1999, the Centre supported establishment of the Egypt Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), the region’s first-ever CIArb branch, and has provided its premises as the permanent seat. Within the framework of a strong interconnected relationship with CRCICA, the CIArb Egypt Branch aims to promote and represent the CIArb and its services as well as encourage the use of out-of-court dispute settlement mechanisms in Egypt and throughout the MENA region. It acts as the focal point for its members and arbitration and ADR users within its geographical region. Since its establishment, the CIArb Egypt Branch, in collaboration with CRCICA, has regularly provided courses for access to the CIArb membership.

International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institution (IFCAI)

CRCICA is a founding member of the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institution (IFCAI). It is also a founding and active member of the Institute for the Promotion of Arbitration and Mediation in the Mediterranean (ISPRAMED), which includes a number of leading arbitral institutions from both sides of the Mediterranean, and aims to foster an exchange of experience and best practices – leading to the publication of reports in the fields of arbitration and mediation.

African Arbitration Association (AfAA)

CRCICA is one of the founding members of the African Arbitration Association (AfAA) in 2018

In 2019, CRCICA decided to focus its efforts on the next generation of arbitration practitioners, cooperating with Alexandria University to bring about the AlexandriaU-CRCICA Arbitration Initiative (the “AlexU-CRCICA Initiative”). The AlexU-CRCICA Initiative is a permanent legal education project, whose principal aim is the promotion of institutional arbitration among law students and young practitioners through a number of practically minded activities, namely arbitration moots. CRCICA also made a cooperation agreement with Ain Shams University instituting a practical arbitration diploma in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, and targeting young arbitration professionals.

Early on, the Centre also hoped to spread the arbitration bug well outside of Cairo, namely by setting up branches all over Egypt. In 1992, the Centre’s first branch came to be in the Egyptian Mediterranean city of Alexandria, targeting maritime arbitrations. In 2004, CRCICA created another branch in the Egyptian city of Port Said through an agreement with the Suez Canal Authority. The activities of both branches ceased in 2014. Since 2021, and in a renewed effort to inspire the arbitration reflex outside of Cairo, the Centre concluded several agreements with other institutions for the purpose of setting up a permanent branch in Alexandria, to begin operating by next year. The new branch in Alexandria is particularly aimed at maritime disputes, in order to promote maritime arbitration in the region. Strategically located in the heart of Alexandria, a historically busy Mediterranean port and a growing industrial hub, the Branch is also expected to deal more broadly with commercial disputes.

CRCICA’s Role in Supporting the Economic Development in the Afro-Asian Region, Bringing in the Most Important Economic Organizations and Holding International Conferences in this Context ​