Collections of CRCICA Arbitral Awards​

CRCICA has published Twelve Volumes of selected arbitral awards rendered under its auspices. Eight Volumes including awards rendered in the Arabic language and as such published in the Arabic language and Four Volumes including awards rendered in the English language and as such published in the English language.


English Books

Arbitral awards of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration


The Arbitral Awards of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration addresses many significant issues and questions, including the following:

  • Do rules of limitation have a role in arbitration?
  • How greatly do administrative contracts differ from civil contracts in the closing years of this century?
  • Obtaining permissions of works – is this the task of the employer or the contractor?
  • What can the arbitrator do if several exchange rates apply to the consideration of a contract?

It is expected that by the end of 1999 the number of international arbitration cases registered with the Centre will have reached 200. While individual CRCICA awards have occasionally been published, there has never been an independent compilation of all the awards issued by the Centre. This important new volume contains a collection of arbitral awards made up to 1996, with those made originally in Arabic translated into English. The editors have summarised each award and included commentary where appropriate, and the awards are followed by legislative or statutory articles as relevant.

Arbitral Awards of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration: Arbitral Awards of CRCICA, Volume 2


The cases are edited and translated by the prominent legal scholar, arbitrator and lawyer Dr. Mohie Eldin I. Alam-Eldin. His in-depth commentary on the thirty-four cases included in this volume encompasses discussion of emerging new arbitral trends and principles, such as the alter ego and contra proferentum doctrines, and new approaches to arbitration engendered by the ever-growing and changing practises and patterns of international trade. He also analyses many of the new issues raised by the decisions of the court of appeal in cases where arbitral awards proved unsatisfactory. Many of these court of appeal decisions are included in the text, as are relevant decisions of the Supreme Court of Egypt.

This second series of cases brought before the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration covers the period 1997-2002, years which witnessed a major growth in confidence in the Centre and a corresponding expansion in scope, procedure, and legal principles. Perhaps most notable among these important developments is the evolution of hybrid procedures that permit the harmonization of legal cultures among parties. In this book will be found a number of cases which successfully blend common law, civil law, and Sharia principles while rigorously adhering to the agreements between the parties, all applicable law, and guarantees of defence.

The subject matter of the international disputes arbitrated includes the following:

Supply, Hotel management, Software contracts, Oil contracts, Distributorship contracts, Insurance contracts, Credit risk management contracts, Construction & Commercial agency.

The significance of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, as a forward-looking and innovative institution directly influencing business activity in some of the most important areas of global commerce, can hardly be overstated. This book validates and reinforces the Centre’s pivotal role, and will be of inestimable value to the international commercial arbitration community.



cases included concern: the construction of airports, tourist villages, first class hotels, telescopes, phosphate mining mschinery, works for clinker cement, works for international waterways, construction of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, diplomatic buildings, real estate of business concern, media production complex, etc. Issues raised are mostly related to delays, bad material or unfitness of quality, income taxes, sales tax, workmanship, contract management, social insurance premiums, damages and custom duties. Some of the awards were subject to challenge before Courts such as: the Court of Appeal, the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Constitutional Court. The challenge may succeed or fail and in both cases we introduce its findings. The names of parties are revealed in the cases of court challenges, otherwise they are kept secret.

Arbitral Awards of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration. Vol. IV


This new volume of cases brought before the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration is the fourth in a popular series. It includes some of the most important arbitration cases in Africa and Asia involving major construction companies from Europe and the United States during the past decade.

You will find full details of seven cases, dealing with disputes pursuant to major construction contracts (an airport, a Red Sea port, a Mediterranean tourist resort, and a power plant), and disputes over the validity of the arbitration clause and the dispute resolution procedure itself.

The sections on these cases include full or only slightly abridged summaries of the actual awards, with detailed commentaries. They offer the best overview of the CRCICA’s approach to arbitration, and will help you in the following ways:

  • Provide you with comprehensive materials for the study of arbitral institutions;
  • Outline different methods of drafting arbitral awards — helping you make the most appropriate choice;
  • Present the different motivations behind arbitral decisions, their advantages and disadvantages;
  • Examine different types of contracts and agreements;
  • Examine the compatibility of the principles upheld in arbitral decisions with international legal trends;
  • Enhance your understanding of dispute settlement systems worldwide;
  • Provide you with a wealth of legal discussion on the issues raised in each case;
  • Offer insights into the global harmonization of arbitration proceedings; and
  • Provide you with useful examples of witness examination and cross-examination, and the drafting of claims and counterclaims.

This practical title explains the motivations behind arbitral decisions. It clarifies the compatibility of arbitral principles with international legal trends, and will help your understanding of dispute settlement systems worldwide.

Topics discussed in this volume include:

Significance of an applicable bilateral investment treaty; delay in performance; reimbursement of actual costs incurred in performance; non-payment or late payment by employer of certified sums; payment for work performed under changed circumstances; interest payments; damages due to default; dumped material and environmental damage; suspension or termination of the arbitral proceedings; relief as a result of lost opportunity or lost profit; and relief during pre- and post-termination periods.

The work is edited and commented by the prominent legal scholar, arbitrator, and lawyer Dr. Mohie Eldin I. Alam-Eldin. His in-depth commentary on the cases discusses the emerging new arbitral trends and principles, along with the new approaches to arbitration brought about by the changing patterns of international trade.

This book validates and reinforces the pivotal role played by the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration.

Academics, jurists, arbitrators and corporate counsel, legal practitioners, scholars, and others dealing with commercial arbitration, not only in the region but worldwide, will find the insights in this book extremely valuable to their work and study.

Arabic Books

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