
Arbitration Caseload

A pioneer in the region that has influenced the uptake of arbitration in MENA and Africa, CRCICA has cemented its status as a major arbitration centre with its steady experience and first-class service. With its first arbitration case registered in 1984, CRCICA’s caseload has expanded exponentially reaching over 1580 registered arbitration cases, whether institutional or ad hoc, covering the full spectrum of commercial and economic activities on local, regional and international levels. 

For the years 2012 to 2021, CRCICA registered 743 cases: 646 institutional and 97 ad hoc proceedings; i.e. 87% institutional and 13% ad hoc proceedings of CRCICA’s total arbitration caseload.

By way of example, please see below a more comprehensive statistics for the years 2017-2021:
Year Total Caseload Caseload Type in No.s Caseload Type by Percentage
  Institutional ad hoc Institutional ad hoc
2017 65 55 10 85% 15%
2018 77 65 12 84.5% 15.5%
2019 82 75 7 91.5% 8.5%
2020 67 62 5 92.5% 7.5%
2021 83 66 17 80% 20%

In 2017, CRCICA registered 65 arbitration cases: 55 institutional and 10 ad hoc proceedings; i.e. 85% institutional and 15% ad hoc proceedings. In 2018, CRCICA registered 77 arbitration cases: 65 institutional and 12 ad hoc proceedings; i.e. 84.5% institutional and 15.5% ad hoc proceedings. In 2019, CRCICA registered 82 arbitration cases: 75 institutional and 7 ad hoc proceedings’ i.e. 91.5% institutional and 8.5% ad hoc proceedings. In 2020, CRCICA registered 67 arbitration cases: 62 institutional and 5 ad hoc proceedings; i.e. 92.5% institutional and 7.5% ad hoc proceedings. In 2021, CRCICA registered 83 arbitration cases: 66 institutional and 17 ad hoc proceedings; i.e. 80% institutional and 20% ad hoc proceedings.

Parties to CRCICA arbitrations and arbitrators appointed in CRCICA administered cases come from more than 50 countries all over the globe. CRCICA has wide experience managing purely local disputes where all parties and arbitrators are Egyptian; cases with an international element; as well as purely international cases where none of the parties or the contract in dispute has a link to Egypt.


Between the years 2017 and 2021, more than 100 foreign (non-Egyptian) arbitrators were appointed in CRCICA arbitration cases from Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Cameroon, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Spain, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States of America.