On 3 November 2020, CRCICA was a Media Partner for the webinar on “A Guide for International Construction Companies to Dispute Resolution in Egypt” jointly hosted by HKA, Al Dahbashi Gray, Duane Morris LLP, and Roger ter Haar QC. The event shed light on the current landscape for Egypt’s construction and infrastructure sectors, key issues facing foreign parties when contracting and taking investment decisions in Egypt, and the Egyptian Arbitration Law.
Dr. Ismail Selim delivered the keynote address; introduced CRCICA to the viewers focused on the high rank of construction cases in CRCICA’s annual caseload, which referred to the inclusion of the arbitration clause before CRCICA in investment treaties. Dr. Selim outlined that along with CRCICA’s existing Arbitration and Mediation Rules, CRCICA is currently preparing a new set of rules to govern Dispute Boards (DB) including both Dispute Adjudication Boards (DAB) and Dispute Review Boards (DRB), as they are rapidly becoming an integral part of the construction dispute resolution process.
Expert panelists from Egypt, Qatar, UAE, UK, and the USA shared their experience on vital topics including; the Egyptian construction market, the impact of COVID 19 on construction projects, the nature of construction disputes in Egypt, arbitration in Egypt, and the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards, and Bilateral Investment Treaties.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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