Webinar including a Mock Mediation Construction Case

With the objective of raising awareness about mediation in the construction industry, the Egypt Branch concluded its events in 2021 with a very special webinar: A Mock Mediation Construction Case organized by the Branch jointly with the CRCICA on 26 December 2021.  The event was conducted in a unique format, starting with an opening speech followed by one-hour video comprising a role play of the various key stages of a mediation process; previously shot at the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) and acted by the five experienced speakers, and finally concluding with an open discussion with the participants on the mock case content in the video. 

The speakers, all members of the Branch Committee, were Dr. Ahmed Waly; Managing Partner of Waly – Arbitration and Contract Administration Firm, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Construction Engineering at the AUC, Eng. Ahmed Afifi; Contracts Manager, Hill International (Africa) Ltd, Dr. Salwa Fawzy; Contracts Director at Atrium Project Management, Instructor at the American University in Cairo, Eng. Mahmoud El Saadany; Founder and General Manager of Rights for Project Management Consultancy Firm, and Dr. Waleed El Nemr; Contracts Director, Hill International (Africa) Ltd, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo. The speakers acted as the parties in a typical mediation case and included a mediator, a contractor (CEO) and the contractor project manager on one hand and a subcontractor CEO and subcontractor project manager on the other hand.  The event concluded after lively discussions with the attendees. 276 participants attended from Albania, Algeria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Yemen. 

The opening speech, delivered by Dr. El Nemr, included a tribute to two Former Committee Members of the Egypt Branch: Eng. Tamer Nabieh, Hill International (Africa) Ltd, Honorary Treasurer of the Egypt Branch and Ms. Wissam El Molla, Associate Director, Head of Conferences, Training and External Relations Department, CRCICA, Honorary Secretary of the Egypt Branch, both untimely passed away in October 2019. Dr. El Nemr praised their invaluable contributions to the Branch and the efforts they devoted its development as well as their support to all the Branch  activities. 

To watch the webinar please click here:


Link for video of Branch Events during Q4-2021:


Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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