Rödl & Partner visits CRCICA, 31 January 2018

Rödl & Partner, a major German Law Firm having a vision to support German businessesin the world , has been recently exploring potential fields of economic landscape in Egypt. Being the oldest arbitration institution in Africa and the Middle East, CRCICA got integrated into the scheme.

On 31 January 2018, a senior delegation of Rödl & Partner Law Firm visited CRCICA: Prof Dr. Christian Rödl, Managing Partner and Chairman of the Management Board, Dr. José A. Campos Nave, Managing Partner and Ms. Carla Everhardt, Associate Partner.  Dr. Karim Adel Kamel, Manager and Partner, Karim Adel Law Office was also in attendance. Discussions involved the appointment process of arbitrators under CRCICA Rules which allows a great deal of party autonomy entitling each party to nominate freely its arbitrator even if not listed in CRCICA's panel of arbitrators. The German visitors were impressed to learn about the scope of neutrality and diversity CRCICA strategically follows, as supported by its Rules, in case of acting as an  appointing authority.

It is remarkable that this visit, reflecting Rödl & Partner’s focus on promoting German investment in Egypt, came responsive tothe remarkable increase in the Egyptian-German economic relations and trade exchange during 2017 and first half of 2018. 

Rödl & Partner’s visit aimed at intensifying their business relationship in Egypt through professional partnership with Karim Adel Law Office.

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