Reaching Out to Academia Overseas, CIArb International Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration, University College, Oxford (UCO)

On 6-14 September 2019, Dr. Ismail Selim lectured at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrator’s Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration at University College, Oxford. The Diploma is one of CIArb’s leading ADR training programmes delivered in one of the most prestigious and oldest colleges in Oxford for more than twenty years. It provides practising lawyers and other professionals from around the world the opportunity to attend a nine-day course and undertake assessments that may make them eligible for peer interview for Fellowship of CIArb.

The lectures of Dr. Selim focused on Global Harmonisation and differing statutory approaches to arbitration (including both common and civil law jurisdictions and ‘soft law’). He has also delivered a PowerPoint Presentation on the CRCICA with an emphasis on its international and regional reputation, its 40 years of experience, its neutrality and its cost-effective case management service.

The Diploma is delivered by highly-experienced and distinguished tutors and involves a combination of lectures, seminars and interactive sessions. This year’s Diploma was conducted under the Directorship of Professor Dr Mohamed S Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law Department and Professor of International Arbitration (Cairo University), Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm and Member of the CRCICA Advisory Committee.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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