Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration and International Investment Arbitration at the CRCICA, 20 May 2018

On 20 May 2018, the CRCICA hosted newly appointed diplomats of the 49th 50th graduating class in the final stage of their studies at the Diplomatic Institute. Two sessions were delivered one of which by Dr. Selim, the Director of the CRCICA, on International Commercial Arbitration and the other session was on Investment Arbitration was delivered by Dr. Dalia Hussein, the Deputy Director.

The two sessions were moderated by Ms. Dalia Tawakol, Minister Plenipotentiary and Director of the Diplomatic Institute. The CRCICA pays tribute to H.E. Dr. Sameh Abouleinein, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for his recent decision to include international commercial and investment arbitration in the curriculum of the advanced education program dedicated to newly appointed diplomats.

The two lectures were followed by a useful Q & A Session.

Posted By
Yahia Rashwan

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