IBLJ/RDAI Roundtable: Arbitral Institutions: A Necessity or a Burden?

On 16 September 2020, Dr. Ismail Selim represented CRCICA at the 10th edition of the virtual Roundtable organized by IBLJ/RDAI (International Business Law Journal/Revue du Droit des Affaires Internationales) hosted by the Milan Chamber of Arbitration.  Discussions were conducted by a group of experts of international arbitration about two topics under COVID 19: Arbitral Institutions' Role (regulatory role relating to guidance for virtual hearings) and Challenges Moving Forward (enhancing virtual proceedings to protect due process and cybersecurity). 

In addition to the foregoing,  Dr. Selim shed light on the diplomatic immunity of arbitral institutions to prevent undue influence as well as abusive recourse by losing parties.  He has also outlined CRCICA’s Headquarters Agreement of 1987 which has endowed the CRCICA with immunities and privileges ensuring its independent functioning. Dr. Selim has also referred to the Decision of the Cairo Court of Appeal dated 6 June 2012 which has confirmed CRCICA's judicial immunity based on its status as an international organization

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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