Fourth Branch Virtual Committee Meeting

The fourth Committee meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 30 November 2021.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 28 September 2021.  The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the virtual meeting with CIArb Leader of Project to Develop a New Communication Strategy held on 5 October 2021, and a brief on the virtual meeting with CIArb key officers held on 12 October 2021; attended by CIArb Director General and Director of IT and Digital Transformation.  Branch Treasurer, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the Branch Treasurer virtual meeting held on 22 October 2021. Members discussed other items of the agenda including an update on Branch membership, application for CIArb AFL, students’ membership, and the nomination of Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Branch Committee Member, to be the Branch Data Manager.  Discussions also approached the Branch future events; namely the training course on Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP), qualifying for the membership of the CIArb scheduled on 19-26 December 2021, Wednesday One virtual lecture on “The Impartiality of Arbitrators” scheduled on 22 March 2022, an event on the pros and cons of cross witness examination, an event on arbitration from the prospective of in-house counsel,  and a networking event for the mentoring groups at the end of the Branch first cycle of the Mentoring Programme.  The next Branch Committee meeting and AGM was scheduled on 22 March 2022.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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