First CIArb Joint Egypt- London YMG Webinar “Good Faith” and Construction Contracts: English and Egyptian Perspectives

On 20 July 2021, the Young Members Groups (YMG) of the CIArb Egypt Branch and the CIArb London Branch jointly organized the first Egypt- London YMG Webinar title "Good Faith and Construction Contracts: English and Egyptian Perspectives”, hosted by the London Branch.  The moderator was Ms. Aisha Nadar, Senior Consultant, Advokatfirman Runeland (Sweden) and member of the CRCICA's Advisory Committee.  The speakers were Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, Vice Chairman of the CRCICA's Advisory Committee, and Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law at Cairo University (Egypt), and Mr. Robert Price, Solicitor Advocate, Member of the International Arbitration Practice at the London Office of Latham & Watkins, Representative of the London Branch's YMG (UK).

The panel focused on good faith from both the English and Egyptian perspectives, how it impacts substantive obligations in construction contracts and how it impacts dispute resolution provisions.

The webinar was exclusive for young CIArb members.  60 participants attended the webinar from Canada, Egypt, Germany India, Kuwait, Mexico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and UK. Ben Giaretta, Chair of London Branch, commented: “ The Young Members Group of the CIArb London Branch held a very successful joint seminar with the YMG of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Egypt Branch” CIArb YMGs bring together dispute resolution practitioners and students below the age of 40. Egypt YMG presents opportunities for Egypt Branch Members to participate and benefit from activities catered to them, both within the Branch and other CIArb Branches’ YMGs.  For more information about the Egypt YMG, please visit

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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