Dubai Arbitration Week

The Dubai Arbitration Week was presented virtually by GAR Interactive and DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre on 16 – 19 November 2020. Dr. Selim represented CRCICA at the session on 17 November 2020 titled “Examining the shifting borders of Middle-Eastern commerce”, moderated by Ms. Lindy Patterson QC, Barrister and Arbitrator, 39 Essex Chambers (London). The session covered how UAE entities are expanding into new countries, and avoiding the pitfalls when dealing with these locations.
Dr. Selim shed light on CRCICA as a friendly seat for arbitration, its scope of neutrality and diversity in the appointment of arbitrators under CRCICA rules allowing each party to nominate freely its arbitrator even if not listed in CRCICA’s Panel of Arbitrators, and the relationship between the UAE and Egypt, including UAE investment where Cairo is the seat. Other panelists were Reza Mohtashami (London) and Tunde Fagbohunlu (Nigeria).
Dr. Selim has participated at the previous Dubai Arbitration Week organized jointly by the Dubai International Financial Centre Arbitration Institute and the Dubai International Financial Centre on 17-21 November 2019.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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