CRCICA Recent Caseload (1st Quarter 2019)
The total number of cases filed before CRCICA until 31 March 2019 reached 1326 cases. In the first quarter of 2019, 23 new cases were filed compared to 20 new cases filed the first quarter of 2018.
The Centre’s caseload in the first quarter of 2019 involved disputes relating to various sectors, including oil & gas, construction and civil works, real estate development and hospitality industry.

8 cases related to the oil and gas downstream sector. 6 cases involved distribution agreements and were filed by the same Petroleum company with respect to disputes arising out of six contracts for the distribution of automotive lubricants and similar products with six different automotive companies. One case involved three concession agreements for petroleum exploration and exploitation in three Egyptian governorates. The other case involved an agreement for the provision of 2D and 3D Seismic Data Reprocessing site located in Sinai, Egypt.
5 cases related to the construction industry. The first case involved an agreement for the design and supervision of the renovation works for a number of workshops for the maintenance of rail tractors located in Cairo. The second case involved a sub-contract for civil works for the renovation of two cement production lines for a cement factory located in Cairo. The third case involved a contract for the construction of pedestrian bridges in Cairo. The fourth case related to a contract for civil works to renovate the buildings of an international school located in Cairo. The fifth case involved a contract for the design, supply and implementation of a steel building.
5 cases related to the real estate development sector. Four cases were brought by the same claimant against the same respondent and arose out of four consultancy contracts for the supervision of the construction of housing complex located in New Cairo and 6th October city. The fifth case involved a dispute arising out of a consultancy contract for the design of a housing complex located in Alexandria.
The remaining 5 cases related to various sectors.
One case related to the hotel industry and arose out of a contract for the lease of commercial properties in a mall annexed to and owned by a hotel in Cairo.
One case involved an agreement for the management of a cement plant located in Beni Sueif, Egypt. One case involved a debt rescheduling agreement, one case involved a shareholders’ agreement, and the last case involved a share purchase agreement.
The first quarter of 2019 witnessed the appointment of 62 arbitrators from Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon and the USA.

Of the 62 arbitrators appointed this quarter, 4 were female arbitrators and 4 are under 40. The Centre appointed 5 of the arbitrators, while 2 were appointed using the list procedure. The rest were appointed either directly by the parties or by the co-arbitrators, in case of appointment of a presiding arbitrator.

Arbitration proceedings in the first quarter involved parties from Egypt, China, Germany and the UK.

Amongst the 23 cases filed in this quarter, 5 cases, representing 22%, were conducted in English, while 18 cases, representing 78%, were conducted in Arabic.

Hearings in the First Quarter:
During the first quarter of 2019, 23 hearings took place at CRCICA’s hearing premises. 22 of them related to cases brought under CRCICA Rules, and one hearing related to an ad hoc arbitration case administered by CRCICA.
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