CRCICA Mourns the Loss of Coun. Dr. Borhan AMRALLAH

On 25 November 2020.
It is with absolute grief that CRCICA has lost the honorable Judge and scholar Dr. Borhan Amrallah, Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the CRCICA, Member of the CRCICA’s Board of Trustees, former President of the Cairo Court of Appeal, and Chairman of the Arab Union of Arbitration.
Counselor Borhan Amrallah was a mentor to generations of judges, lawyers, arbitrators, and law professors. He was the judge and arbitrator who respected the values of impartiality, integrity, and independence. Counselor Borhan Amrallah had enriched Egypt and the World with his rulings and writings in the legal and arbitration fields. His landmark rulings in post-arbitral proceedings since the mid90s have paved the way for the pro-arbitration stance of the Egyptian Courts that is still maintained and affirmed through following Judge Amrallah’s precedents. May God bless his soul and give patience to his family, colleagues, and students.
CRCICA mourns the passing of such an honorable figure that has left behind a powerful legacy of integrity and dedication.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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