CRCICA collaborates with GZAC in an Online Video Conference

On the 15th of July 2021, CRCICA joined the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission (GZAC) in an online video conference on the development and cooperation of arbitral institutions, and in particular, CRCICA and GZAC’s plan to jointly participate in the construction of an ODR platform, for Online Dispute Resolution.

Attendees and participants counted Dr. Ismail Selim, CRCICA’s Director, Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Counsel and Legal Advisor to the Director, and Ms. Heba Roushdy, Director of Marketing and Head of the Conferences, Trainings and External Relations Department, in the presence of Ms. Dina Gamal, translator for the conduct of the discussions in both English and Chinese.

The collaboration between GZAC and CRCICA will enhance the ties that the Centre already has within the Afro-Asian region and in particular CRCICA’s close partnership with a number of institutions in China.

The CRCICA, through its Director, Dr. Ismail Selim, holds strong ties with a variety of arbitral institutions in China which have been developed through partnerships initiated under his Directorship, and the Centre is expected to become a privileged forum for disputes involving Chinese users operating within the region.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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