CIArb International Virtual Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration

Dr. Ismail Selim lectured at the CIArb International Virtual Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration, held during 4-27 September 2020. The Diploma is one of CIArb’s leading membership training programmes, normally delivered in the heart of Oxford for more than twenty years. This year, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, the Diploma was conducted virtually via the online platforms to provide candidates with all the necessary training materials and virtual classroom experience. Notably, Professor Dr Mohamed S Abdel Wahab, Member of the CRCICA Advisory Committee, has returned to direct the CIArb international virtual Diploma.

The Diploma was divided into three parts: the Law, Practice and Procedure of International Commercial Arbitration; the Law of Obligations; and Evidence, Decision Making and Award Writing of International Commercial Arbitration. Dr. Selim spoke on 12 September (Day 5) at the Session titled: Global Harmonisation and differing statutory approaches to arbitration (including both common and civil law jurisdictions and ‘soft law’), with a focus on institutional experiences. The speech of Dr. Selim outlined “Notable Features of CRCICA Arbitration”, including notable features of CRCICA arbitration rules and CRCICA’s latest institutional statistics.

It is worth noting that Dr. Selim has previously lectured at the CIArb’ s Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration at University College, Oxford in September 2019.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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