CIArb Egypt Branch Second Committee Meeting

The second Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted virtually on 7 July 2021.  Members approved the Agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 6 April 2021.  The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented the CIArb Education and Training update following Q2 2020 Branch Chairs Meetings. The update included changes in 4 processes namely, course approvals, faculty applications, course delivery, and Assessments and Calendar.  Members agreed on some initiatives to encourage social networking with Branch members including the initiation of a Networking Directory and the making of videos and other materials to promote the Branch Mentoring Programme.  Members discussed other items of the agenda including approving the Charter and Vision of the Branch YMG. Discussions also approached the Branch future events; namely, Workshop in Arabic on Witness Cross-Examination, joint CRCICA- Egypt Branch launching event on CRCICA’s Dispute Board (DB) Rules, and ARM course.  The next Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 28 September 2021.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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