CIArb Egypt Branch Committee Meeting

The first Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted via internet conference call on 8 April 2020, in accordance with the CIArb directives regarding the developments of COVID-19. The Meeting was presided by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, the Branch Chairman, who welcomed the new Committee Members. The Chairman presented the report on the Branch’s Activities (2019 – early 2020). Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Branch Education and Training Officer, gave an overview on the CIArb new requirements for the pathway courses qualifying for the CIArb membership.

Members shared thoughts about the topics of the agenda, including drafting a Service Agreement between the Branch and the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch), and establishing a Branch Mentorship Program. The meeting also discussed events to be organized by the Branch during 2020 and how to expand the Branch approved tutors to conduct pathway courses qualifying for membership under the new requirements of the CIArb.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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