CIArb Cairo Branch Committee Meeting
On 20 March 2018, CRCICA hosted the first quarterly meeting of the CIArb Cairo Branch Committee. The Committee Meeting was presided by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Salah Eldin Abdel Wahab, who took over as the Branch’s President at the onset of the meeting based on inter-committee elections. Dr. Ismail Selim and Dr. Waleed El Nemr were elected as Vice-Presidents of the Branch and Eng. Tamer Nabeih as the Branch Honorary Treasurer. During the meeting, Mr. Taher Hozayen, the immediate past president, was nominated the Patron of the Branch.

On behalf of all members, Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab awarded Mr. Taher Hozayen a medal of honor in recognition of his distinguished services from 2006 until 2017.
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