AYA’s Africa Arbitration Academy Advanced Training on: International Commercial & Investment Arbitration: London, 20 June 2019.

On 20 June 2019, Dr. Dalia Hussein, CRCICA’s Deputy Director delivered the session dedicated to CRCICA at the Africa Arbitration Academy held in London from 3 to 21 June 2019, and organized by the Association of Young Arbitrators (“AYA”) in Africa for the first time this year in cooperation with a number of international law firms and arbitration institutions. The session was hosted by Hogan Lovells London. It included training on joinder, challenge and removal of arbitrators as well as requests no to proceed under the CRCICA Rules, through the study of mock cases inspired by real arbitration cases administered by the Centre. The Academy hosted 24 young arbitration practitioners from different African states, namely, Angola, Ghana, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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