Member of CRCICA’s BoT Professor Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid, the Arbitrator Intelligence Presiding Arbitrator of the Year 2020

Arbitrator Intelligence has gathered unique and insightful feedback through its questionnaire collected by the end of February 2021, on hundreds of arbitrators.

Based on overwhelmingly positive feedback, Prof. Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid was chosen to be the “Arbitrator Intelligence Presiding Arbitrator of the Year 2020”.

Prof. Comair-Obeid is the founding partner of Obeid Law Firm, a Board of Trustees Member of the CRCICA and a professor at the Lebanese University. Among hundreds of arbitrators, Prof. Comair-Obeid was selected based on positive feedback provided by a party who was self-identified as the losing party in an AIQ.

Among other positive evaluations, this party assessed the award as balanced and well-reasoned, and strongly agreed that they would be comfortable appointing Prof. Comair-Obeid as sole arbitrator in a future, unrelated case.

Arbitrator Intelligence is a global information aggregator that collects and analyzes critical information about decision making by international arbitrators. This information, most of which is not otherwise publicly available, enables users of arbitration to make better-informed, data-driven decisions about arbitrator selection and case strategy. By increasing access to critical information about arbitrators and their decision-making, Arbitrator Intelligence aims to promote transparency, accountability, and diversity in arbitrator selection. Learn more about Arbitrator Intelligence’s values.

Posted By
Sherief Ahmed

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