35th Session of the UNCITRAL Working Group III, 23-27 April 2018, NY, USA

The UNCITRAL entrusted the Working Group III with a broad mandate to work on the possible reform of investor-State dispute Settlement (ISDS). This mandate focuses on the procedural aspects of dispute settlement rather than on the substantive provisions of investment treaties. At its second session held in New York on 23-27 April 2018, the WG III resumed its work. Ms. Rabab Yasseen attended the session in representation of CRCICA. Ms. Yasseen is Partner with the Geneva Law Firm Mentha, Deputy Judge, Geneva Civil Courts and Member of the CRCICA Advisory Committee.

The session was attended by some 50 member states, 35 observer states and 50 observer organizations including CRCICA. General statements were made at the outset of the session to reiterate issues and potential concerns about ISDS. In reviewing considerations of the arbitral outcomes, among other issues, the WG discussed coherence and consistency of the ISDS outcomes, the appointment of arbitrators and decision makers in ISDS, and third party funding. Click here To view the report of the session.

Posted By
Yahia Rashwan

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