
Mr. Dany Khayat
Admitted to the Paris Bar, Dany Khayat is the head of the Litigation and International Arbitration practice in Paris and the co-leader of the Middle-East dispute practice with the Firm.
He has been involved in numerous arbitration proceedings conducted under the Rules of the ICC, ICSID (including Additional Facility), UNCITRAL, SIAC, LCIA, DIAC, CRCICA, BCDR-AAA, LMAA, GAFTA, RSA, AFA, CMAP as well
as in ad hoc arbitration proceedings.
Dany has extensive experience in commercial arbitration and has acted as lead counsel in dozens of cases under a variety of applicable laws. He has particular experience in disputes in the following industries: construction, intellectual property, defense, infrastructure, Joint Venture agreements with a particular regional focus on Africa and the Middle East.
Dany also has substantive knowledge of investment treaty arbitration and the protection of foreign investments and has been involved, as lead counsel, in more than a dozen investor/State disputes, representing both States and investors. He has written extensively on ICSID awards and decisions for fifteen years. He is the co-author of the 700-page “Recueil des Commentaires des Decisions du CIRDI (2002-2007)” (Bruylant 2009) in which all ICSID awards, decisions and orders published between 2002 and 2007 are commented upon and has continued to publish regularly since in the Revue québécoise de droit international and The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals.
Dany has also been involved in arbitration-related proceedings before French courts including annulment proceeding as well as in disputes involving State immunities and seizure of State-owned assets, and in other contractual and commercial matters heard before French courts.
He also acts as arbitrator (president, co-arbitrator or sole arbitrator) in ICC, DIAC, CRCICA, BCDR-AAA and ad hoc proceedings.
Prior to joining Mayer Brown in 2008, he was an attorney in the International Arbitration group of a large international firm in Paris where he worked since 2000.
Dany has appeared at numerous conferences as a speaker on international arbitration, investment treaties and investment disputes and lectured on international arbitration, arbitration in the Arab countries and investor-State disputes at the University of Paris I (Pantheon—Sorbonne), University of Paris–Sud and the University of Poitiers.
Dany is fluent in English, French and Arabic and has a reading knowledge of Spanish.